Our Youth Programs will offer you community and support so you can feel seen, valued, and heard.
Vinnies Youth Programs were created to provide an opportunity for young people needing support to connect with people their age, build friendships, and have positive role models.
Our youth programs are free to those experiencing hardship or are underrepresented in the community. We have an amazing team of volunteers and staff who run the youth programs throughout the year.
Programs are not available in all areas, please enquire for availability.
Ideal for 8–12-year-olds. 16+ year old volunteers plan fun and engaging activities for the young people participating.
Perfect for 8–11-year-olds. Relaxed, non-competitive soccer-inspired activities to get young people active and socialising.
Suited to young people. A program dedicated to developing life skills through excursions and activities.
Our Youth Programs are available all year round for you to take part in across Queensland.
Eligibility requirements vary depending on the youth program. Please refer to the specific youth program page. Eligibility for our programs is also determined on a case-by-case basis and by availability.
If you are a family member, school, conference or external organisation who would like to refer a child to a Vinnies Youth program, simply complete the referral form and email it to youth@svdpqld.org.au.
If you are interested in volunteering for a Vinnies Youth Program, we’d love to hear from you! Please send us an application by completing the form.
“The value the kids receive go such a long way in their lives, and they become more and more amazing with everything they learn and do.”
If you are a teacher and would like to benefit from our Vinnies Youth teaching resources, or learn more about additional school initiatives, take a look at these links.
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