Corporate Partnerships

Corporate Partnerships

Partner with St Vincent de Paul Society QLD and make a difference.

The St Vincent de Paul Society QLD is dedicated to helping those in need and providing the greater community with opportunities to get involved and contribute to making a difference.

We welcome businesses to become corporate sponsors and partners to help us in our mission to alleviate poverty and homelessness. Through various sponsorship opportunities, you can engage your company and staff in meaningful ways to make a positive impact in the community.

Join us in our mission and increase employee satisfaction by showing your support.

Here are some ways you can corporate sponsor

Participate in our CEO Sleepout or Community Sleepout events and raise funds to break the cycle of homelessness. Sponsor these events through cash donations or in-kind contributions such as AV services or catering. These events take place at different locations throughout Queensland, and your support will make a significant difference. Find out more information about how to get involved here 

Encourage your employees to volunteer together as a group, to foster team building and boost morale. We offer a range of meaningful activities, such as event volunteering at Sleepout events or volunteering at our distribution centres and retail stores. Your team will experience the rewards of giving back while making a real difference in the lives of those in need.

Promote a culture of compassion and empathy within your company by implementing workplace giving programs. Regular donations from employees provide sustainable funding to support long-term solutions for people in need. This streamlined approach allows for automatic donations through each pay, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness. 

Learn more about how donations help Vinnies to assist people in need here.

Double the impact of your employees' support by implementing matched giving programs. Match their donations to amplify their contributions and showcase your company's commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. 

Learn more about how donations help Vinnies to assist people in need here.

Organise collections as part of St Vincent de Paul appeals, inviting your staff, customers, and the broader community to donate essential items such as groceries, toiletries, and blankets. These donations will be used by our dedicated Vincentians to provide Christmas hampers, stock community pantries, or distribute blankets to families during colder months. 

Learn more about how donations help Vinnies to assist people in need here.

Support sustainability efforts by donating your end-of-season stock to St Vincent de Paul QLD. Good quality clothing, furniture, mattresses, and more can be sold through our retail stores or given directly to those in need. As a DGR registered charity, donating trading stock may be tax-deductible, providing benefits to your company while helping others. 

Learn more about how donations help Vinnies to assist people in need here.

Make your Impact 

We recognise that partnerships are essential for driving real change. By collaborating with St Vincent de Paul Society QLD, your business can achieve: 

  • Measurable social impact 
  • Enhance brand reputation 
  • Engage employees 
  • Foster collaboration 

At St Vincent de Paul Society QLD, we understand the importance of tailoring partnerships to align with your company's goals and values. We offer customised programs, co-branding opportunities, and comprehensive measurement and reporting to ensure a successful collaboration. 

Together, we can create positive change in the community. Learn more about what your generosity contributes to here.

Staff members from Pauls milk hosting a clothing drive for Vinnies corporate partnerships

Ready to explore partnership options?

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