All donations are either given directly to assist people in need or sold in our shops.
The profits from items sold in our shops helps fund Vinnies specialist community programs and services, providing assistance to people in need across Western Australia.
Clothing, bric-a-brac, books and manchester can be dropped off at your local Vinnies Shops and you can browse at the same time. Vinnies does not accept donations of electrical items.
Call 08 6323 7520 for a free home or office pick up of larger items.
Look for them in convenient locations throughout WA.
Vinnies has a major problem with rubbish dumping. Items that we are unable to use or recycle have to be transported to the local tip and disposed of at considerable expense.
Please use the guide above to help the Society avoid these costs and instead put funds towards our services.
We have more than 50 Vinnies shops in Western Australia. Find a Vinnies shop near you.
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