National Council of Australia

National Council of Australia

The National Council aspires to work towards an Australia transformed by compassion and built on justice. This aspiration is outlined in our Strategic Plan 2023-2027

The National Council is instituted by the International Council General and convenes three times a year at the national office located in the Canberra suburb of Deakin.

Members of our National Council include our President and the Presidents of our state councils, our youth representative and office bearers. This is as specified in Article 20 of The Rule—the governing document of the St Vincent de Paul Society, written for members and volunteers.

National Council meetings provide the forum for our state and territory councils to report on their activities, discuss matters of common concern and make decisions on action to be taken. Policy decisions are made at Council meetings.

The National Council President is elected by members of the Council for a period of up to, but not exceeding, four years. Read more in the Constitution of St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia Incorporated.

Headshot of Mark Gaetani, he is wearing a white business shirt and a black jacket

National President Mark Gaetani

On 5 March 2023, Mark was officially inducted as the 18th National Council President by Archbishop Christopher Prowse at St Christophers Church in Canberra, after being elected by his peers on 5 November 2022.

Mark is a finance professional having worked for the Commonwealth Bank of Australia for 32 years in various roles including branch management, Corporate and Agri-banking specialist and his last role prior to leaving the CBA was Regional Executive Manager.  He is currently Finance Manager for local family-owned finance company – Coogans Tasmania responsible for the Launceston office.

Mark commenced his involvement with the St Vincent de Paul Society in Tasmania as a member in early 2016 and not long following his commencement was asked to take on the role of Treasurer on State Council.  In November 2018 he was elected as President of State Council and then joined the National Council of Australia in January 2019 as the Tasmanian representative on Council.  He is also a member of the National Social Justice Committee and National Audit, Risk and Finance Standing Committee. 

Mark is a strong advocate for the homeless in Tasmania and is committed in ensuring the Society in Tasmania is strategically placed to contribute to increasing housing opportunities for the homeless and those seeking permanent, affordable and safe housing.

Headshot of Warwick Fulton who wears a white business shirt and black jacket

National Deputy President Warwick Fulton

On Sunday March 17 2019, Warwick Fulton was elected as the new Deputy President of the St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia. Warwick has been a member of the National Council since 2016 following his election as President of the Territory Council of Canberra and Goulburn.

Warwick comes from Caringbah in the Sutherland Shire where he was raised as an only child and educated by the Brothers at De La Salle Caringbah and De La Salle Cronulla.

On finishing school in 1965 Warwick joined the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) in Sydney, at a time tax was calculated manually and the Social Security Levy added. (More complex calculations were made by slide rule before the advent of calculators).

Having completed accountancy, Warwick commenced part time law studies through the Barristers Admission Board. 

Warwick progressed to tax auditing of share transactions during the heady days of the Poseidon boom of the 1970s and then to Tax Appeals where he was able to put his legal studies to good use. In 1977 he was admitted as a Barrister and enticed to the ATO in Canberra where he worked until 1993.

Warwick joined the St Vincent de Paul Conference at Kambah in 2008 and the following year became Conference President, a position held until 2011 at which time he became Tuggeranong Regional President until 2012; Vice President for Conferences, Recruitment and Training 2012 to 2016 before his election as Territory Council President in March 2016.

In 1972 Warwick married Marian, the love of his life, together they have three daughters – Temena, Deborah and Gabrielle and seven grandchildren.

Headshot of Sr Teresa Haywood DC who is wearing a white shirt and long silver necklace

Spiritual Advisor Sr Therese Haywood DC

A Daughter of Charity, Sr Therese has been involved with the Society since she was 19. Sr Therese was a youth representative and involved in formation and training in Maitland Newcastle diocese while at university. She has been a member of conferences in Ashfield and Moree and has worked in various social welfare roles, including working with homeless people and people experiencing mental illness.

In 2004 Sr Therese was employed by the Society in Canberra Goulburn as Youth Co-ordinator and remained there for five years where she was also a night patrol co-ordinator for two of those years. 

In 2009/2010 she studied Vincentian spirituality and then returned to Canberra/Goulburn to work in Spirituality. 

Sr Therese has a master’s degree in theology and has a passion for exploring the Vincentian tradition in today’s world.

Headshot of Ryan Erlandsen who wears a white business shirt and black jacket

National Secretary Ryan Erlandsen

Ryan Erlandsen is a Consultant working as a Business Architect for a problem-solving advisory in Canberra. Ryan has over 10 years’ experience working in public, not for profit and private sectors. He consults in a range of ICT, strategic and advisory roles and has a background in Engineering and Enterprise Architecture.
Ryan first started volunteering with the Society in 2001 with the Youth Conference in South Australia, providing recreation and respite to vulnerable children and young adults. He joined the State Office as an employee between 2007 and 2011 as an Events Coordinator and later ICT and Database Coordinator. Ryan maintained membership of the Conference, including performing the role of President from 2004-2006 before moving to Canberra in 2011.
Upon moving to Canberra, Ryan immediately joined the Society’s Youth Conferences and was appointed to the positions of Treasurer and Vice President in 2012 and President in 2015. He remains an active member and volunteer of the conferences and participates as a member of the National Social Justice Committee. Ryan joined the National Council of Australia as Secretary in 2019.

Headshot of Bernard Meadley who wears a white business shirt and black jacket

National Treasurer Bernard Meadley

Bernard Meadley has been a member of the Society since 2014 and was appointed National Treasurer of the 18th National Council by National President Mark Gaetani. Previously he held the role of Treasurer of the Aranda Conference in Canberra and later joined the Canberra-Goulburn Territory Council as Treasurer in March 2006, he continued in that role until February 2023. During his time at both the Aranda Conference and the Territory Council he also chaired the Audit and Risk, Finance Committees and the Corporate Governance Committee.

Bernard has a strong background in finance and administration, senior executive as well as board positions roles in media, the agriculture sector, innovative stewardship programs and in strategic management consulting services.

A Canberra resident, Bernard is married to Colleen, has three children and six grandchildren all in Canberra. 

He founded a Men’s Group at South Belconnen Parish which is in its 13th year of gatherings. This group provides an outlet for men to gather and talk and share.

Headshot of Patrick Wallis who wears a white business shirt and black jacket

Vice-President, Patrick Wallis

Patrick Wallis began volunteering with Vinnies in 2009 when he joined the Mazenod College Conference. From there, he built on his Vincentian journey through various youth support programs, the Curtin University Conference, WA State Youth Team, National Youth Team, and was appointed in 2015 to the WA State Council in the role of State Youth Representative.

Patrick is currently completing his Honours in Chemical Engineering at Curtin University and works as Assistant Manager of Palace Cinemas Raine Square. He hopes in the future to found a social enterprise specialty bar in Perth to support young people experiencing homelessness.

Headshot of Matt Nunan who wears a white business shirt and black jacket

Vice-President Matt Nunan

With several years of experience in the private sector both here and abroad, Matthew Nunan is a strategic managerial and finance professional. He is also a strong advocate in the not-for-profit arena particularly in the area of social justice, highlighting issues experienced by people who are marginalised or in need and suggesting initiatives for government consideration.

Matthew is a Queensland based Vincentian with experience as Queensland State Council Vice President for seven years.  He is currently Chair of the National Social Justice Advisory Committee (NSJAC) and has held National and Queensland committee roles in in Disaster Assistance, Social Justice, Finance and Risk Committees.  Matt is also Chair of the Membership, Mission and Spirituality Standing Committee. In 2021, Matthew was awarded the Vincentian Cross for service to St Vincent de Paul Queensland.

Matthew is a member of CPA Australia and holds MBA (Macquarie Uni), B. Bus (QUT) and B. Arts (UQ) degrees.

Headshot of Peter Houweling

New South Wales's State President Peter Houweling

St Vincent de Paul Society NSW’s State Council President, Peter Houweling has been an active member of St John the Evangelist Parish Conference Dapto since being posted to Wollongong as a primary teacher in the 1970s. He raised his family locally, and later served as a school principal.

Over many years of service to the Society, Mr Houweling has served as NSW Vice-President - Membership, President’s Vice-President, Wollongong Central Council President, and Central Illawarra Regional Council President.

He believes the Society’s future lies in increasing our work in the community to help more people; building on the strength of collaboration that exists for all our people – Members, volunteers and employee – in supporting Conference Presidents; and having an increased focus on local parishes and youth engagement.

Peter Houweling succeeds Paul Burton who passed away earlier in 2024, and he will lead the NSW State Council for a four-year term.

A smiling man wearing a dark blue Vinnies t-shirt

Canberra/Goulburn Territory President Brian Stacey

Mr Stacey brings extensive leadership in the public policy sphere and academic experience where he was recently serving as a Professor in Practice at the Australian National University.

Prior to being a Professor in Practice at the Australian National University, Mr Stacey was the First Assistant Secretary in Indigenous Affairs and was the Commonwealth’s State Manager for Indigenous Affairs in the Northern Territory. It is in this role Mr Stacey was awarded the Public Service Medal.

“In a time of unprecedented need in the community, as the cost of living and housing affordability crisis continues to hurt families, we are seeing a sharp increase in people coming to us for life’s essentials, many coming to a charity for the first time,” said Mr Stacey.

“I’m honoured to be appointed to this role to help guide the Society so we can continue to meet these challenges and support our members who help those seeking assistance with dignity and compassion.”

Mr Stacey has been a member of the South Woden conference since 2013, and also served as the President in Cairns of a conference for several years providing emergency relief to families in their homes with his fellow members, so comes to the role with deep understanding of the needs in the community and the role the Society plays in giving people a hand-up every day.

Headshot of Trish McMahon who wears a black shirt and white jacket

Queensland State President Trish McMahon

The Vincentian mission is in Patricia (Trish) McMahon’s blood, her father was a Vincentian in both Warwick and Toowoomba, a man of great leadership who inspired Trish. She commenced her Vincentian journey with St Stephen’s Conference, there were three Members at the time.  She loves and is committed to the St Vincent de Paul Society and the work carried out for those less fortunate in our community.

Trish has served as a Conference President - Regional Council, BDCC Secretary and Treasurer and currently Diocesan Council President as well as on the State Council. 

Through her work on Diocesan and State Council, Trish see’s the need to continue with the previous Presidents’ legacies of ensuring we are true to our identity, to not sacrifice our identity in the name of progress but to find creative ways of adapting while remaining true to who we are. It is her belief that we need to nurture the spiritual welfare of our members/volunteers and staff by sharing their skills and talents to enhance the richness of our Society. She would particularly like to continue to encourage our youth and believes our future membership is in great hands with our Youth Teams.

Trish grew up in Warwick and is 1 of 9 children, she is a mother of 3 and grandmother of 6.  She has worked in business administration, financial advice and is a professionally trained Authorised Civil Celebrant.

“As a Servant leader, it is good and well for me to have a vision, but I would like to express my belief that is truly for “us” to discern the vision together.”  Trish McMahon.

Headshot of Michael Quinn who wears a white business shirt and black jacket

Victorian State President Michael Quinn

Michael Quinn was elected Victorian State President on 19 February 2022. Michael Quinn’s involvement with St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria began in 1992 when he joined the Langwarrin Conference. Most recently, Michael has spent the past four years as Deputy State President.

Michael has worn many hats in the Society. In addition to his local volunteer work, he Chairs the Retail Advisory Committee, is a Board member of the St Vincent de Paul Victoria Board, VincentCare Victoria, VincentCare Community Housing and was the Bendigo Regional President. 

Michael is an active member of his community and believes in engaging young people and harnessing the youthful spirit of the Society's Mini Vinnies and College Conferences. He passionately believes that young people are the future of the Society in Australia.

Among Michael’s proudest achievements has been establishing the East Timor Scholarship Fund at Comoro Technical College in Dili in 2001, which provides 50 scholarships a year. 

Headshot of Geraldine Hawks

South Australian State President Geraldine Hawkes

The involvement of Geraldine Hawkes’ family in Glasgow with St Vincent de Paul Society nurtured her attentiveness to the value of all people.

Since arriving in South Australia in 1988 with her husband Paul and their two children, she has visited Conferences, been welcomed by Companions in their homes, and led formation and leadership sessions for the Society in SA.

Joining Salisbury Conference in early 2020, she was elected as Regional President for Central District and in 2023 was appointed as a Vice President for SA. In August 2024, Geraldine was elected State President.

She has served on SA State Council for four years, and is a member of the National Mission, Membership and Spirituality Standing Committee. Geraldine has extensive practice of ministry, leadership and governance in various church, community and public service arenas, across Australia and in the UK.

Geraldine is motivated by a long-held commitment to see each person, particularly those experiencing deprivation, marginalisation or rejection, not as a problem to be resolved, but as a gift to be received.

“Being part of the global Vincentian community of friends reminds me daily of the beauty of every human being. It gives me the courage, strength and hope to work together to assist practically and advocate politically for processes and policies that enable the more equitable sharing of resources and for all to experience a deeper sense of self-worth.”

Headshot of Corey McGrath who wears a white business shirt and black jacket

Tasmanian State President Corey McGrath

Corey McGrath joined the Sacred Heart Conference in Ulverstone in 2016 and has served as a members of the Tasmanian State Council since the start of 2019. He was elected as State President of the St Vincent de Paul (Tasmania) in January 2023.

Corey brings more than 25 years experience working with and assuming leadership roles, including as Chair of the Launceston Tornadoes, an independent board member of NOSS Tasmania Inc, as President of Scouts Tasmania and Vice-Chair of the board of Scouts Australia.

He has extensive professional experience in related industries, including past and current roles as a non-executive director, a financial markets advisor, business manager, and in information technology.

Corey lives on a small property in North West Tasmania with his wife Sam and their two teenage sons.

Headshot of Damian Legg who wears a business shirt

Northern Territory President Damian Legg

Damian initially joined the Society as a Youth Member in Queensland. He has been a member of the Territory Council since 2013, serving as Vice President of Centres of Charity, President of St Paul’s Conference and Vice President Service. Damian works in the Northern Territory Public Sector.

Headshot of Danny Cloghan who is wearing a white business shirt, black tie with white spots and a black jacket

Western Australian State President Danny Cloghan

Danny Cloghan finished full time employment, as a Commissioner in the Fair Work Commission in October 2016. Danny as a Commissioner was assigned to various industry panels and also the Major Resources/Infrastructure Projects Panel. Prior to joining the Commission, Danny Cloghan held a number of senior positions in the Western Australian Public Sector. Danny, for two periods totalling nearly 10 years, was Chief of Staff to a WA Minister.

Danny has a Masters of Industrial Relations and Bachelor of Arts from the University of Western Australia. He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a Fellow of the Australasian Mutuals Institute. In 2015, Danny Cloghan completed a Graduate Diploma of Applied Corporate Governance and is an Associate of the Governance Institute of Australia and Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators.

In 2017, Danny Cloghan embarked on his own bespoke workplace consultancy firm. In 2020, after completing a course in Investigative Services, Danny became WA Police Force approved licensed Investigator and Inquiry Agent. Since being licensed, Danny has undertaken numerous workplace investigations.

Two weeks after leaving full time employment, Danny was on his first Conference “visit”. To this day, Tuesday is still dedicated to Conference visits. Having become President of St Joseph’s Conference, he was asked to become the Perth Regional Conference, and subsequently, State Vice President.

On 1 July 2024, Danny had the privilege of becoming the Western Australian State President. Danny has no doubt, as State President, it will be a lot of hard but rewarding work. Danny is keen for Western Australia to continue playing its part nationally in demonstrating Vincentian values in our community.

For Danny, a crucial Vincentian foundation stone is that, we embrace all people in living out our Mission. When not working in his consultancy or the St Vincent de Paul Society, Danny is involved with a NFP disability organisation. Danny's wife, three children and seven grandkids make sure his remaining time is not wasted

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