The cost-of-living crisis and the price tag on Territory rental properties are adding pressure to Territory households. Current approximate government weekly support payments for a person on: Job Seeker is $321, the Disability Support Pension $493, Age Pension $417 and Youth Allowance $265. With the average private unit rental price at $530 week, these vulnerable Territorians have 0% affordability.
Donations help the Society provide countless nights of accommodation, food and basic essentials, help with living expenses, caring and personalised support, and more!
Families are suffering. With 116,000 individuals and families across Australia currently at risk of or experiencing homelessness, we’ve seen a 13.7% increase in the number of people experiencing homelessness since 2011.
That’s 1 in 17 Territorians who will sleep unsafely tonight. Vinnies relies heavily on Government and community donations support to continue our good works.
Collect donations of food, clothes and toys on behalf of Vinnies at your school, business or club. At Christmas time, when we help families in need with over 450 Hampers gifted to people in need of Emergency Relief.
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