A photo of a man and woman sitting next to each other on a bench with blankets and sheets around them, in casual clothes. They are looking up to the camera.
Inquiry into homelessness in Australia

Inquiry into homelessness in Australia 

Housing Stress
Social Housing
19/06/2020 12:00 PM

The St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia’s submission stresses the need for increased investment in social housing and highlights the impact of COVID-19 on homelessness. It emphasises the challenges faced by people at greater risk of homelessness, namely single parents, asylum seekers, people living with complex health needs, people being discharged from hospital, released from prison on exiting the out of home care system. It also highlights the significant gaps at all stages of the housing continuum – from shelter/crisis accommodation to supported accommodation through to social and affordable permanent housing. Strategies and support services to help transition people from homelessness into stable housing are also needed.   

The Society’s 2016 Ache for Home Report outlines a multi-faceted policy approach to housing and homelessness and advocates for a $10 billion Commonwealth fund allocation based on need, recognition of housing as a human right, and a national strategy on housing affordability and homelessness prevention.

The Society proposes establishing an independent agency for policy advice, increasing Commonwealth Rental Assistance and providing investment incentives for housing providers. we strongly support the building of more affordable housing, national minimum standards for renters and increased energy efficiency standards, particularly for low-income households.   

Download the full submission (PDF file)

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