
A legacy for good

Your Will is your last gift, here is the suggested wording for your solicitor.

Written wisely, it can give your family and friends peace of mind. Firstly discuss your intentions with your family or a friend and then seek legal guidance. A Will is a legal document and should be prepared in consultation with a trusted legal advisor.

We recommend that you review your Will regularly to reflect your current circumstances, keep it safe and easy-to-access, and advise your executors where the original is kept.

Should you generously decide to include a gift to the St Vincent de Paul Society in your Will, please ensure you use our correct wording as listed below:


Your Will is one of the most important documents you will ever prepare. Should you generously decide to include a gift to the St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria in your Will, please use the following wording to ensure your wishes are fulfilled:

I give to the St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria ABN: 28 911 702 061 in the aid of (please insert the appropriate following statement)

The charitable work of the Society at its discretion OR
the charitable work of the Society in the specific field of ____________________________AND

The whole of my estate, or
___________ percentage of my estate, or
___________ percentage of the residue of my estate, or
The sum of $ ___________

Free from all duties and testamentary expenses to St Vincent de Paul Society for its general purposes and l direct that the receipt of the organisation shall be full and sufficient discharge to my executors for
this gift in my Will.

Gifts made unconditionally can be directed to the area of greatest need. If you choose to leave a gift to a specific area, we recommend you express this as a wish, not a condition. This gives us the flexibility to transfer your gift to a similar area of work if it is no longer possible to fund the specific area you requested.

For more information contact our Gift in Wills Manager on 03 9895 5821 or email bequest@svdp-vic.org.au


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