The St Vincent de Paul Society Launch Winter Appeal to Support Tasmanians in Need

The St Vincent de Paul Society Launch Winter Appeal to Support Tasmanians in Need

Media Release
St Vincent de Paul Society (Tas) CEO, Heather Kent, with St Vincent de Paul Society member Hettie Binns.

(L-R): St Vincent de Paul Society (Tas) CEO, Heather Kent, with St Vincent de Paul Society member Hettie Binns.

The St Vincent de Paul Society Tasmania (Vinnies) is launching its Winter Appeal with a goal to raise $250,000 to assist Tasmanians in need to survive the cold winter months. The aim of the appeal is to make a lasting impact on the escalating cost of living, rising rents, soaring energy prices, and the shortage of affordable housing. These combined crises are affecting vulnerable communities across Tasmania, particular women who are disproportionately impacted by these issues.

St Vincent de Paul Society CEO, Ms Heather Kent, expressed her concern about the current crises in Tasmania and, in particular, the number of older women who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

“The 2021 Census revealed that between 2016 and 2021, there was a 10.1% increase in the number of women experiencing homelessness, which is unacceptable in a wealthy economy. Vinnies 2023 Winter Appeal recognises the growing number of people experiencing hardship across our community, but most importantly the escalating impact on women as one of the most at-risk groups who are experiencing disadvantage for a range of reasons,” Ms Kent said.

"Right now, across Tasmania, we're witnessing the coalescence of several crisis points: the escalating cost of living, a shortage in affordable housing, gender inequality, which negatively impacts women's superannuation savings, and a rise in elder abuse, a form of family violence.

“Sadly, too many older women are finding that daily life is becoming more difficult. This combination of crises is leaving vulnerable women, especially older women, scared, alone, homeless, and in desperate need of help.

“Vinnies frontline volunteers witness the impact of these crises first-hand. They are seeing more older women in need of support - this is on top of a growing number of other individuals and families who are in financial or social distress. It is only through donations from kind supporters that Vinnies can provide critical assistance to so many Tasmanians in need.

“Vinnies use all donations to the Winter Appeal to provide emergency food hampers and food vouchers, financial assistance with mounting and escalating bills, funding for prescriptions for vital medication, and blankets and clothing to keep people warm and cosy during winter. We will also continue to offer vital emotional comfort and support at a time of crisis, together with connections to other local support services such as financial counselling and legal advice. We help navigate a complex system to help those in distress explore access to short-term emergency accommodation. Vinnies is working hard to reduce the number of Tasmanians having to spend sleepless nights in a tent, car, or in insecure accommodation.

"We urge the community to come together and support the Vinnies Winter Appeal. We are always so grateful for every single dollar donated, which we use to help so many Tasmanians in unimaginable distress. Your gift will do so much. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of those who are struggling during these challenging times,” Ms Kent said.

Donations to the St Vincent de Paul Society Winter Appeal can be made by calling 13 18 12 or online at www.donate.vinnies.org.au/appeals-tas/winter-warmth-tas. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible and will go directly towards aiding Tasmanians in need.

As always, please call me at any time to discuss the above at any other matter on: 0414 015 966.

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