St Vincent de Paul Society’s CEO Sleep-out highlights the plight of Tasmania’s homeless

St Vincent de Paul Society’s CEO Sleep-out highlights the plight of Tasmania’s homeless

Media Release

The 2019 CEO Sleep-out, an annual event that highlights the plight of homeless people, starts at 6.00pm on Thursday June 20. 57 CEOs from across Tasmania will sleep out overnight at UTAS Stadium to raise money for St Vincent de Paul Society’s (Vinnies) work to combat homelessness.

The St Vincent de Paul Society’s CEO, Lara Alexander said that a 2018 report by the Australian Government’s Institute of Health and Welfare, Sleeping rough: A profile of Specialist Homelessness Services clients, identified that rough sleepers account for 1 in 14 homeless people in Australia; or about 8,200 people. Sleeping rough is defined as living on the streets, in parks, squatting, staying in cars or living in improvised dwellings.

“While this is the latest study, it is based on 2016 Census figures, so three years on, the situation is likely to be even worse. Here in Tasmania, Vinnies helps around 120 people at risk of homelessness or homeless  every week, and there is constant demand for our support from families and individuals in these situations,” Ms Alexander said.

“The CEO sleep-out raises much needed funds to combat homelessness, through business leaders spending just one cold winter night sleeping rough. So far, our 57 CEOs have raised over $90,000, which will be used to combat homelessness across Tasmania,” Ms Alexander added.

“It is important to raise awareness of homelessness, particularly in Tasmania where we are more connected; and our sense of community offers us all more opportunity to help those less fortunate.

“We also need to be more aware of the underlying challenges facing people sleeping rough and those who find themselves homeless or at risk of homelessness. Those who are sleeping rough are more likely to be male, aged 35 or over, unemployed, and living with mental health and/or drug or alcohol issues.

“The report Sleeping rough: A profile of Specialist Homelessness Services clients, identified three vulnerabilities – mental health issues, problematic drug and/or alcohol use, and domestic or family violence. If our community is serious about addressing homelessness, we cannot rely on charities, health professionals, or governments individually to address the issue. We have to work together through a state-wide strategy that focuses on the symptoms of homelessness, not how much money we spend on the homeless,” Ms Alexander said.

Based on the 2016 Census figures, there are over 1,600 homeless people in need of support across Tasmania.

Last year’s CEO Sleepout event saw 59 CEOs raise more than $202,000 with the support of their organisations, friends and families. These funds were used to help provide vital local services, including the operation of Loui’s Vans (in Hobart and surrounds) and Vinnies Van (in Launceston, George Town, Burnie, and Wynyard); providing meals, hot drinks, blankets for up to 50 people on any one night. In 2018, the Vans served more than 12,700 meals to the homeless and other people in need, assisted by the selfless dedication of volunteers, who provide their time and compassion.

Participation in or support of the CEO Sleepout event will provide much-needed funds to ensure that these and other services can continue to support those in need within our community.

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