St Vincent de Paul Society promotes Vinnies Workplace Giving Programme.

St Vincent de Paul Society promotes Vinnies Workplace Giving Programme.

Media Release
St Vincent de Paul Society promotes Vinnies Workplace Giving Programme.

The St Vincent de Paul Society has reinvigorated its Workplace Giving Programme for businesses and organisations – including government departments – across Tasmania.

Vinnies’ Workplace Giving Programme offers employees an opportunity to make an ongoing contribution to Vinnies many charitable works through a regular payroll deduction. Donations are deducted before pre-tax pay, which means participating employees receive an instant tax deduction on every donation.

The benefit of Vinnies’ Workplace Giving Programme is that participating employees know how much they are donating to Vinnies and that they are always in control of how much they donate each pay cycle.

In addition, organisations can match employees’ donations, dollar-for-dollar. This effectively doubles the combined impact of assisting Tasmanians in need, and the associated tax deduction benefits.

An organisation and individual employees can choose to donate any amount they wish to support Vinnies many charitable programs; including Vinnies Food Vans, buying weekly groceries for families in need, or helping to find a home for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness.

Making a regular donation to Vinnies’ Workplace Giving Programme is a simple but effective way to help the many Tasmanians who require a ‘hand-up’ in their time of need.

Since 1899, the St Vincent de Paul Society (Tas) has been dedicated to shaping compassionate communities and supporting vulnerable people in Tasmania. The Society’s 1,500 members and volunteers provide practical, every-day essentials – financial assistance when bills mount up, material aid during times of disaster, meals when they are few or far between, assistance with utility bills as energy prices soar, and friendship during times of hardship and personal crisis.

More than that, with the support of individuals and organisations through a government-recognised workplace giving programme, Vinnies provides hope for a better future for many Tasmanians in need. Through Vinnies’ many charitable programmes, Vinnies is changing lives for the better, which allows individuals and families to become confident, self-reliant, and more resilient members of our community.

Why should you get involved with Vinnies’ Workplace Giving Programme?

Did you know that 62% of CEOs say that allowing employees to be involved in socially responsible activities is key to attracting talent? 1 Further, staff who participate in giving programmes are more loyal to a company, with 79% remaining with their company for more than three years, and 56% remaining for more than seven years. 2

Apart from enabling you to attract and retain talent, a Vinnies’ Workplace Giving Programme has the potential to bring an organisation’s values and culture to life. It might even help your team find a greater sense of purpose at work, as they get involved in activities that develop pride, foster teamwork, enhance motivation, and create social change.

Customers and the wider community also have greater respect for organisations that embrace their social responsibility and participate proactively in the places where they operate. Given the choice between an organisation that is known to ‘give back to the community’ as opposed to a competitor that doesn’t, has the potential to influence a purchasing decision; so little things like Vinnies’ Workplace Giving Programme can make a difference to an organisation’s brand and bottom line.

Vinnies hopes this introduction to Vinnies’ Workplace Giving Programme is of interest to your organisation and your colleagues. If you would like further information, Vinnies makes it easy for any organisation to get involved. There is a link below that will take you to resources and forms to get started today. Or, if you would like a representative from Vinnies to visit your organisation, Bernadette Ulbrich-Hooper would be grateful for an opportunity to meet with you in the near future to tell you more about Vinnies’ Workplace Giving Programme and to help you implement one at your organisation.

To arrange a meeting, or if you would like further information about the St Vincent de Paul Society and the Vinnies’ Workplace Giving Programme, please call Bernadette on (03) 6333 0822 or 0477 336 066 at any time. Please click here for more Vinnies’ Workplace Giving Programme resources.

MEDIA NOTES: The St Vincent de Paul Society was founded in Paris, France in 1833 by a 20-year old Italian student, Frederic Ozanam. Today, the Society operates in 153 countries and has over 800,000 members. Australia has over 60,000 members, dedicated to assisting people in need and combating social injustice. The Society started in Tasmania in 1899 when founders established a Conference in Launceston. From humble beginnings, the Society has grown to 25 Conferences within three Regional Councils across Tasmania. Each Conference undertake a variety of good works, the most recognised being the traditional Vincentian home visits and the annual CEO Sleep-out to draw attention to homelessness.

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