Amélie Housing is a Tier 1 Community Housing Provider (CHP) seeking to ‘build hope through housing’ for those who are homeless, disadvantaged or on low or moderate incomes.
We provide secure, affordable rental housing to 2,548 people in 1,501 homes, and offer a range of housing solutions to meet individual needs.
This includes:
Amélie was established in NSW as a Special Work by the Society of St Vincent de Paul in 2012. Originally called St Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Housing, it was always envisaged that it would become a national housing provider. It was established to complement the activities of the Society in providing charitable services to disadvantaged members of the Australian community.
In 2018, SVDP Housing was renamed Amélie Housing and began operating as the National Community Housing Provider for the Society of St Vincent de Paul, through the National Council of Australia - bringing together Works in NSW, Canberra-Goulburn and the ACT.
With our vision to become ‘a national leader advocating justice in housing markets and a major player in the provision of Social and Affordable Housing to the most disadvantaged members of our society’, the Amélie team is focused on the continued growth of its portfolio and the establishment of a strong national footprint.
In the years ahead, we aim to expand our operational capacity and improve services and outcomes, by working collaboratively with the Society and other partnering agencies to increase the supply of Social and Affordable Housing, while maintaining our reputation for high quality property and tenancy management services, specialist case management services and wrap around support.
Our shared mission and distinct relationship with the Society, gives us a unique point of difference – ensuring we are able to provide appropriate housing to a higher proportion of households with special or complex needs, assisting them to sustain their tenancy and enhance their quality of life.
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