New St Vincent de Paul Society (SA) State President Elected

New St Vincent de Paul Society (SA) State President Elected

Media Release

The election for the new State President of the St Vincent de Paul Society (SA) Inc. was held on 28
October 2020, and Brad Hocking has been appointed as State President and will commence in the role

At 32 years of age, Brad is the youngest person appointed to the role of State President in South Australia.
He has been involved with the Society since 2012, serving people in need in his local community as a
Conference Member. He has maintained that role while serving on various committees, as well as fulfilling
State Vice President duties since 2017.

Brad is married to Daniella and has three young children. He is a consultant engineer, specialising in asset
management, systems engineering, and data analytics and business intelligence. He was recently
recognised by Engineers Australia as one of Australia’s Most Innovative Engineers, for his work in
developing an Asset Management System framework.

Brad believes that the skills and experience he has acquired throughout his engineering career, coupled
with his strong volunteering portfolio within and outside the Society, have provided him with the ideal
preparation to take on the State President’s role.

“As an engineer, I will bring a strong analytical and strategic focus to the role, which is needed more than
ever as we respond to the growing and increasingly complex demands for assistance from within our
community. As a person, I feel very connected to the ethos of The Society and have a strong desire to put
my faith into action as a servant leader of influence,” he said.

Brad has scaled back his work commitments to meet the demands of the State President role, while
enabling him to spend time with his young family.

“I am looking forward to the challenges that juggling these three important roles will throw up, safe in the
knowledge that they each complement the other.”

Previous State President, Cathy Beaton, thanked the Society members, volunteers and staff for their
support during her term, and wished Brad well as he steps into the role.

“Brad is an excellent appointment, and I wish him all the best as we come out of a very challenging time
for the Society and our community more broadly,” she said.

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For more information or an interview opportunity, please contact Jo Dinnison, Communications Officer
on 0419 940 721 or email media@svdpsa.org.au

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