During lockdown, Vinnies is here to help

During lockdown, Vinnies is here to help

Media Release

The St Vincent de Paul Society NSW is continuing to provide help to people who need it throughout lockdown.

“Our services are essential and continue to operate – so, if you’re experiencing homelessness, domestic violence, or some other form of disadvantage call 13 18 12,” St Vincent de Paul Society NSW CEO, Jack de Groot, said.

“Throughout the pandemic we have adapted them to be COVID-safe and, during lockdown, some of them are functioning a bit differently but they’re all still providing assistance.

“It’s really important for people to know that there is always help available, particularly during a time when the supports like JobKeeper and the JobSeeker COVID-19 supplement are absent.

“Lockdown is difficult for everyone and it may end up being brutal for people who lack those protections this time around,” Mr de Groot said.

“The Society is a member-based organisation and our members are still doing what they always do – giving a hand up to people experiencing adversity,” St Vincent de Paul Society NSW President, Peter McNamara, said.

“Throughout the pandemic, we’ve been providing help to many for whom it’s their first time approaching a charity for help.

“Our members are providing food, clothes, emergency accommodation, and more to people, just like they always do.

“In areas affected by lockdown, we are doing contactless drop offs of food vouchers and other items to prevent spread of COVID to protect our members and the people we assist.

“We’re not providing home visits because of the pandemic but we’re reaching out to people by phone and electronic means.

“One of the things that often gets overlooked in the face of everything else that’s going on is the very real effect of loneliness that can be experienced by people during lockdown.

“If you need help, we’re standing by to provide it – please call us on 13 18 12 or email vinnies@vinnies.org.au and we’ll be there,” Mr McNamara said.

Media contact: Lachlan Jones | 0417 446 430

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