Art for Goodness Sake

Art for Goodness Sake

Vinnies NSW is proud to present Art for Goodness Sake. Several of Australia's leading corporations and art galleries have donated artworks to this event, which will raise funds to help support the fight against homelessness.

It culminates in an public exhibition and art auction featuring the donated artworks.

“The 19th century French philosopher Victor Cousin’s supposed "l'art pour l'art," (art for art’s sake), which expresses the idea that art has an inherent value independent of its subject-matter, or of any political, or ethical significance.”

Our project aims to adapt this, giving the art a social value that we hope to realise through “Art for Goodness Sake”.

Homelessness on our doorstep

The continued challenges of housing affordability and increasing rents have led to more people than ever before turning to Vinnies for assistance.

Vinnies offers a multitude of services aimed at alleviating homelessness by both seeking to prevent it and assisting those already suffering it.

These include short-term hostel accommodation offering immediate assistance, some with special focus such as victims of domestic violence forced into homelessness. We run many food programs, distributing meals to both homeless and others in needs. We are one of the few charities who build and manage large scale affordable social housing with a full array of services onsite.

This whole spectrum approach enables Vinnies to help people from the time they become homeless to supporting and guiding them through a managed process to help them back into stable living conditions.

During 2022, 59% of people supported through Vinnies’ Homelessness and Housing directorate were transitioned into stable accommodation, such as private rentals, public housing and community housing.

Artwork auction details 

A selection of some of the amazing artwork that has been donated. For the full catalogue please see details below. 

To view all the artworks, please go to Leonard Joels online catalogue.

To register to bid, please go to Leonard Joels registration page.

3 Australian artworks

Thursday 2nd November - Donors & VIP, Opening Evening - 6pm to 8pm

Friday 3rd & Saturday 4th - Preview open to public - 10am to 3pm

Sunday 5th - Preview open to public - 10am to 3pm

Monday 6th & Tuesday 7th - Preview by appointment only

Wednesday 8th -Art for Goodness Sake Auction - 6pm

Leonard Joel, The Bond, 36-40 Queen Street

Woollahra, NSW 2025


Jamie Lawrence, Innovation and Business Development Manager Jamie.Lawrence@vinnies.org.au

Many thanks to our generous artwork donors

Our whole-hearted thanks to all the generous donors who contributed art to Art for Goodness Sake.

Art for Goodness Sake donor logos

Art for Goodness Sake special sponsor logos

Only through the support of these compassionate companies are we able to create this event to raise funds for our homelessness services.

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