Vinnies Support Centres are client-centred support and referral services operated by the St Vincent de Paul Society. They offer face-to-face support to those in the community who require financial, food or material assistance.
9:30am – 4:00pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays)
Address: 53 Gurwood St Wagga Wagga NSW (corner of Gurwood and Trail St)
Phone: (02) 6923 1904
Address: 22 Iolanthe Street, Campbelltown NSW
Phone: (02) 4628 2928
Vinnies Support Centres are client-centred support and referral services operated by the St Vincent de Paul Society. They offer face-to-face support to those in the community who require financial, food or material assistance. The support teams will work with you to offer the best possible support for your needs and link you in with the Society's Conference home visitation teams or Vinnies Services.
We provide advocacy, referrals and support in navigating the appropriate services. We’ll have a conversation with you and allow you the time and space to discuss your needs. Our aim is to give you what you need to make informed decisions and improve your circumstances.
We provide support and information through options such as:
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