Modern Anti-Slavery Statements

Modern Anti Slavery Statements

Modern Slavery Statement 2022

Modern Slavery is a significant challenge to justice in the world and contradicts our values and principles. We are committed not only to alleviating the need of victims and survivors of Modern Slavery but also to identify the unjust structures that are the cause of it. We are also raising awareness of the scourge of Modern Slavery in Australia and around the world. 

Modern Slavery Statement 2021

Modern Slavery is a challenge to justice in the world and it is contrary to our values. We are committed to the identification of Modern Slavery in our supply chain and taking action to eliminate it. We are also raising awareness across our organisation and with our suppliers of the steps we are taking to source products and services ethically.

Modern Slavery Statement 2020

Modern Slavery is a great challenge to justice in the world and is antithetical to who we are. We are committed to identifying any risk of Modern Slavery in our operations or supply chains and working to eliminate it.

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