The St Vincent de Paul Society to host a family fun day on 22 April at the Wagga Wagga Show Ground

The St Vincent de Paul Society to host a family fun day on 22 April at the Wagga Wagga Show Ground

Media Release
Cost of Living

The St Vincent de Paul Society is holding a family fun day at the Wagga Wagga Show Ground on the 22nd of April with free food and activities for kids.

 “We’re encouraging families who are struggling with the cost of living to come along to our family fun day this school holidays,” St Vincent de Paul Society NSW School and Youth Engagement Officer, Ana Suarez, said.

“There will be free entertainment for kids, including rides, a jumping castle, a petting zoo, pony rides, face painting, and more. 

“We will also be providing people with information on the breadth of services the St Vincent de Paul Society offers to people in Wagga Wagga.

“We’re not just Vinnies Shops, we provide assistance to people experiencing disadvantage from struggling with bills to homelessness and domestic violence,” Ms Suarez said.

“St Vincent de Paul Society members see people every day who, after paying their housing costs have no money left for food,” St Vincent de Paul Society NSW Wagga Wagga Central Council President, Peter Burgess, said.

“And we do everything we can to help people stay in their homes because right now, there are very few places available. 

“The rapidly rising cost of living is placing more and more people on the edge, we know this because a quarter of people who seek assistance from us are coming to us for the first time.

“It can be hard to ask for help, we know that, and we’re holding the family fun day to make it easier for people to find out how we can assist.

“Some people need assistance with food, some need help paying bills – there’s no shame in that, least of all right now.

“The family fun day is going to be a really good icebreaker for people who have been considering asking for assistance but don’t quite know what’s out there,” Mr Burgess said.

People planning on attending are encouraged to register by emailing waggafamilyfunday@vinnies.org.au and telling us how many adults and children will attend from your family.

Registration will entitle attendees to a free meal from the barbeque, a free drink, a free ice cream, and a free coffee for adults. 

In addition to the free food and entertainment, there will be food trucks selling their wares as well.


Media contact: Lachlan Jones  |  lachlan.jones@vinnies.org.au | 0417 446 430


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