About Us

Change needs you

The St Vincent de Paul Society is an international organisation formed of lay Catholics who seek personal and spiritual growth through serving people in need.

The Society arrived in Australia on 5 March 1854 and, each year, has continued to provide practical assistance and support to thousands people in need. 

Our aspiration is to ensure that Change starts here and people's lives are enhanced by the support we provide.

Our Gender Pay Gap Report 2022-2023

The principles of inclusion and non-judgement sit at the heart of St Vincent de Paul Society’s mission and values. As such, gender diversity and inclusion are important to us and we constantly strive to improve gender equity in the workplace. The Gender Pay Gap report has been significant in helping us identify key areas to address and trends to consider for our future strategies.

Celebrating 170 years

Our Journey

WGEA Statement

Gender Pay Gap Report 2022-2023

The principles of inclusion and non-judgement sit at the heart of St Vincent de Paul Society’s mission and values. As such, gender diversity and inclusion are important to us and we constantly strive to improve gender equity in the workplace. The Gender Pay Gap report has been significant in helping us identify key areas to address and trends to consider for our future strategies.

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