
Energy disconnections

Mapping electricity disconnections in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and south east Queensland

A graphic of a map of Victoria with shading in different areas.

The St Vincent de Paul Society and Alviss Consulting have prepared reports on electricity disconnections in the east coast of Australia. We acknowledge the funding provided by Energy Consumers Australia to undertake this work.

The report uses geospatial analysis on electricity disconnections to explore when and why they occur based on the socio-economic indicators that characterise these areas.

It is also important to consider what electricity disconnections for non-payment actually mean in a broader context.

Mapping electricity disconnections

Households in the dark

May 2016

Mapping electricity disconnections in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and south east Queensland

Households in the dark II

August 2019

Mapping electricity disconnections in South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and south east Queensland

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